Monday, 30 July 2012

Jay Sekulow: Giving a new meaning to the cause of religious Liberty

Jay Sekulow has constantly made it to the headlines with his efforts when it comes to defending religious liberty. A prolific attorney, Mr. Sekulow has won international acclaim for the protection of causes related to religious liberty, freedom and democracy. Whether it is courts, congress or public arena, he has worked feverishly in becoming the voice of thousands of people across the United States and the world. Mr. Sekulow’s firm The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) is one the preeminent law firms of the country.

Mr. Sekulow is an acclaimed Supreme Court judge, who has argued 12 cases with some bearing landmark results. These cases went on to change the way, religious litigation works. For instance, in the Mergens case, he helped to secure the liberty for students to form Bible clubs and religious organizations. No one ever thought that his fight for religious freedom would transform in to a cause of international outreach. He realized that Christians faced widespread discrimination for practicing their faith. Hence, he took up their cause and started working towards religious liberty.
Today American Center for Law and Justice has its sister concerns with the European Centre, Slavic Centre, African Centre and East African Centre. It is also present in countries such as Russia, France, Israel, Pakistan and Zimbabwe.
It is evident that hard work and dedication is always rewarded. Mr. Sekulow has won various accolades for his work. TIME magazine has named Jay as the “25 Most Influential Evangelicals” of all time. He has also been named as the "The 90 Greatest Washington Lawyers of the Last 30 Years." The National Law journal has twice named him as "100 Most Influential Lawyers" in the United States. It is common to find his name associated with various causes related to religious causes in the United States today. Some popular cases include that of Obama care, Abortion, American heritage, equal access, fairness doctrine and Israel to name a few.

It is due to the efforts of people like Mr. Jay Sekulow that the issue of religious equality is coming to the forefront worldwide.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Jay Sekulow - Not Like Anybody!

Jay Sekulow can undoubtedly be termed as “brilliant”. He is a man who has tried his hands on so many things that each of those can't be possibly listed. More than anything else, he's been working as an attorney. But he is not just another lawyer, he's the best of all! He has been in the news many times because of the cases he worked on.

This dynamic law enthusiast never limited his abilities to law – and has a successful radio/television call-in talk show about legal issues. Yes, he is a renowned radio host! His talk show is aired on as many as 850 stations.

The man is a guest commentator on FOX news channel, and hosts a TV show 'ACLJ This Week'. He, as a lawyer, is someone who is hard to argue with, and impossible to knock down.

Jay Sekulow has been awarded many times for what he does. To name a few honours, he has been added to National Law Journal’s Power List, in the year 1994 and recently was added to the list of 90 greatest lawyers of last 30 years (Washington) by Legal Times.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Jay Sekulow: Words of Encouragement for Pastor Youcef from the Kids

Millions of people around the globe are calling for the release of Christian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, who faces the death penalty in Iran because of his Christian faith.

As you already know, we continue to work in this country and abroad to secure his release. There are millions praying for his release from jail, where he’s now been held for nearly three years.

No one puts the words of encouragement for Pastor Youcef better than students in a third-grade class from Elijah House Academy in Richmond, VA.

Their teacher told the students about Pastor Youcef’s plight as an example of a modern day Daniel, who like Pastor Youcef refused to recant his faith in God in the face of execution.

Take a look at these powerful images. Young children understand what’s at stake here.

These school children join a growing list of people around the world who support Pastor Youcef. You can too. Join the ACLJ’s Tweet for Youcef campaign and add your name to our petition calling for his release.

Jay Sekulow

Original post published at

Friday, 13 July 2012

Raise Your Voice to Practice Your Religious Faith, Jay Sekulow will Make it be Heard

Jay Alan Sekulow is the Chief Counsel for the American Centre of Law and Justice (ACLJ) which was founded by Pat Robertson the CBN founder, in order to protect people’s religious and constitutional rights. Jay has presented oral arguments before the US Supreme Court on 12-occasions and has won many landmark victories defending constitutional rights. Sekulow is a champion of life, a formidable antagonist of religious prosecution, a saviour of human rights and a highly respected broadcaster.
He is a frequent guest on the '700 Club', because of his inimitable insight into legal and political concerns and his vast experience in Constitutional law. He is regularly interviewed by many prestigious TV channels like Fox News, ABC and CBN News etc, regarding the critical legal work of ACLJ in protection of religious rights and liberties.
He is the host of a radio program, Jay Sekulow Live! A daily outreach of the ACLJ. Through his radio show, Jay keeps his listeners informed about crucial challenges nationwide regarding liberty and renders them an opportunity to stand in support of ACLJ in defence of religious faith and freedom, garnering tens of thousands of signatures for various causes by means of ACLJ's committees and petitions. Moreover, he is the host of ACLJ This Week; the ACLJ's weekly TV show airs on many networks nationwide.
As a Supreme Court lawyer, Sekulow is widely recognized as one of the legendary saviours of religious liberties and constitutional rights in the US. He has won myriad milestone religious rights cases at the U.S Supreme Court. In the Lamb's Chapel case, he paved the way for missionaries and churches to be allowed equal access to utilize public facilities for religious purposes.
This Man of Pedigree is not just a leading advocate for religious freedom at the U.S Supreme Court, but he is also a stalwart protector for the rights of the unborn. Moreover, he has been rigorously involved in Ten Commandments cases at the U.S Supreme Court, availing unanimous victory in Pleasant Grove for the right of governments to display monuments of the Ten Commandments in parks.
Sekulow's nearly half century of distinguished Court advocacy, has garnered accolades from America's most preeminent publications. Jay has been honoured by Time Magazine as one of the “25- Most Influential Evangelicals in America.” The Legal times has titled him as one of the “90-Greatest Washington Lawyers of the Last Thirty Years.” The American Lawyer named Sekulow to its esteemed “Public Sector 45.”
His passion for protecting and respecting religious rights has led him to expand ACLJ's operations and open up new offices worldwide. Jay Sekulow strongly believes religious liberty is an inalienable, Lord-bestowed right for all human beings around the world.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Jay Sekulow: A Supreme Court Stretch Saves ObamaCare

Now that the ObamaCare decision is out and the analysis continues, there are more questions about how the Chief Justice reached his conclusion that the penalty provided for failing to purchase health care is actually a tax – a distinction that cleared the way for the individual mandate and ObamaCare to be upheld as constitutional.

What’s worth noting here is that President Obama repeatedly sold this health care law saying it was NOT a tax on the American people.

But then the Solicitor General, in oral arguments before the high court, waded into that area – using the tax argument. In the end, Chief Justice Roberts embraced that analysis and a massive government-run, pro-abortion law that had four votes poised to overturn the law, was saved – by the Chief Justice’s vote.

In an interview this morning, I told FOX News I thought the decision was a stretch legally, an overreach that ultimately will expand the power of the federal government, not to mention implementing the largest tax increase in history. YouTube Preview Image

There will be more analysis and debate about all of this in the days ahead. In my view, the Chief Justice got this one wrong. During his confirmation hearings, he used a baseball analogy to describe his role on the high court. He said he would be an umpire on the bench – calling “balls” and “strikes” as he sees them – not to “pitch” or “bat.” In this case, he called a ‘strike’ – millions of Americans – including four Justices poised to overturn ObamaCare – disagreed.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney put it best when he noted that while the high court concluded that ObamaCare was constitutional, it did not say that ObamaCare is good law, or good policy. As Romney put it: “Obamacare was bad policy yesterday, it’s bad policy today. Obamacare was bad law yesterday, it’s bad law today.”

Jay Sekulow

Source from here

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Jay Sekulow – A man who dedicated his life to serve humanity

Jay Sekulow - a renowned lawyer and a respected human rights activist, who strongly believes in just one thing “we are all God’s children and no one is above the law.”
The Chief Council for ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice), Sekulow is very popular among the world's most renowned legal and political observers. He is an attorney with tremendous passion for protecting religious liberties, freedom and democracy in the courtrooms, in public and in the upper house.
At the US Supreme court, Jay Alan Sekulow has argued 12 revolutionary cases-including many landmark cases that have become an eminent part of the legal system in the genre of 'religious liberty litigation.'
In the milestone case of the Board of Education of Westside Community Schools v. Mergens,; Sekulow cleared the path for public school students to create religious organizations and Bible clubs in their school premises. Similarly, In McConnell vs. FEC, Jay ensured that minors' constitutional right to free speech remain protected and they cannot be prohibited from voicing their support for a political party or candidate by making a contribution to a political rally or campaign. The Supreme Court unanimously consented with this argument, unequivocally holing that 'minors 'relish the protection of the First Amendment.
Initially, no one could have foreseen that what had started as a mission to defend religious rights in the United States, would comprise as an international outreach. In a world where Christians face violence, discrimination and even brutal death for simply practicing their religion, it soon became evident that there is a lot of effort required to safeguard humanity. Jay Sekulow deeply believes that religious freedom is a universal right and a global concern.
Whether it is raising his voice against discrimination in the name of religion or safeguarding religious liberty abroad or right here at home, he possess a vast track-record of success which has not gone unnoticed. Time Magazine named Sekulow as one of the most influential evangelicals in America; Town Magazine crowned him as “Townhall of Fame and recognized him as “one of the top attorneys in the US.”
Jay Sekulow has spent his career protecting religious liberties; fighting for freedom of speech; instigating pro-life campaigns; and restoring faith in people.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Jay Sekulow: ObamaCare Focus Turns to Congress and Repeal Vote

The fight to challenge ObamaCare is over at the Supreme Court. Now, the focal point is Congress – and specifically the U.S. House of Representatives.

House Speaker John Boehner put it bluntly: “This has to be ripped out by its roots. This is government taking over the entire health industry. The American people do not want to go down this path. It has to be ripped out and we need to start over one step at a time.”

A growing number of Americans understand that the Supreme Court got this one wrong. And, a clear majority of Americans now support repeal of ObamaCare.... Read more:

Jay Sekulow